Pre and Post Care
The General Pre and Post care for Paramedical Tattoos.
Please contact with any questions or conerns
Pre-Care Instructions
•Exfoliate a week before to get rid of any dead skin cells on your body
• Shave/wax areas, no laser treatments!
• No tanning whatsoever, Ineed to be able to match the ink to your natural skin tone
• No alcohol or blood thinners 2 days before your appointment
• Wear loose clothes day of appointment, the areas treated will be slightly tender
• Please eat something before we meet and drink lots of water
• No lotion, oils or sweat on skin, I need the area to be bare of chemicals
• You can't be on any antibiotics 20 days before treatment and 40 days after treatment
• You won't be able to work-out for a week, and no showering the night of your treatment

Post Care Instructions
• No showering the night of tattoo
• First 3 Days cold compress the areas 3x/daily for 10 minutes
• The next 40 days, camouflage tattoo will go through a variety of colors transitions
• Apply Cerave Healing Ointment on treated areas 2x/day with clean hands
• No working-out or excessive sweating for a week (7 days)
• No saltwater, no exfoliation, or waxing on areas for 14 days
• NEVER sunbath, spray tan or have direct sun exposure on areas for 40 days
• 1st 40 days, stretch marks will be dark, please don't panic
• No laser removals of any kind due to titanium dioxide
• Do not scrub, rub or pick at the crust/scab that forms. Allow it to flake off by itself. If it is removed before it is ready, the pigment underneath can be pulled out.
• Always use sun-block on the tattoo procedure area to protect it from fading